big praise and budget?
[yk] praise God that gordon and i have finally booked a venue and date for our wedding! thanks for all the helpful advice and prayers! keep your eyes open for a save-the-date!
throughout the wedding planning, gordon and i have sometimes slipped into the "you only get married once" mentality when booking the venue, choosing a photographer, choosing a dress, etc. OR "better go now before we have children" or "i'll regret not dishing out that few extra hundred dollars" when choosing a destination for our honeymoon. we want to go to a far exotic beachy place before we have kids, when we're the most in shape, and have the means to go. we can save europe for when we're old and wrinkly, but anywhere where a bathing suit is the main article of clothing, i want to go now before the predicted post-marital and pregnancy weight gain! ok maybe i just need to be more secure with my own body matter what stage of life i'm in...
obviously this wishiwashiness about how much to spend means we're not very good about embracing our budget and sticking to it. ok, mostly i'm not very good about it...because i've never had to really live by a budget. i feel like God has blessed me financially so that i can give and spend freely. if you know me, you know that i'm not an extravagant spender by any means and that i enjoy treating people out to eat, but i've never had to be limited by a budget. i also know that it's never bad to budget...even when you aren't struggling with finances. i also know that i should always find joy in matter if i'm financially comfortable or not. i'm just afraid i'll regret forgoing something that i really want...