Tuesday, November 06, 2007

flashing lights and loud noises...

[y] sorry for not posting more often. i only posting now because it is 2:15am in the morning and i have been up since 1:15am because the fire alarm went off at the hotel that i'm staying at here in ft. worth. even though i was confused and not totally aware of what was going on, my body automatically put on my shoes, grabbed the hotel key card, and put on my wedding rings and went out the door to the stairwell. we all had to go outside and it was FREEZING (but at least it wasn't raining)! luckily i wasn't wearing inappropriate shorts or sleepwear. i realized that i didn't grab anything of importance (i.e. purse with wallet, laptop bag, cell phone)...because i didn't take the fire alarm seriously. we stood outside for 30 minutes and then the alarm finally went off...false alarm. as we were going back in, the alarms started again and at that point, it was an alarm malfunction. since the firemen weren't making us stay outside, i figured i'd go back to my room. i sat in my room with that annoying alarm and flashing white light for 10 minutes and even though the alarms are off now, i swear i still hear a ringing in my ears. i took my laptop out to the stairwell where it wasn't as loud and now i'm posting on my blog. thank goodness for my portable wireless modem and little laptop. the alarms went on for another 20 minutes...totalling 1 hour...

i was robbed of 1.5 hours of precious sleep and had to freeze my butt off =( and i have a 7am call with people in india...sigh...i miss my husband and trinity...

Friday, November 02, 2007

Little Red Riding Hood

Originally uploaded by fortewu
for Halloween . . . Trinity loved meeting all our neighborhood kids.