Monday, March 27, 2006

romance and tragedy

[gw] So Michelle and John's wedding was absolutely beautiful. The weather was perfect for it and the kiddos were adorable. I'll post a link of all the pics I took. But congratulations to John and Michelle! Finally!

Then on Sunday we tried to get stuff for our own wedding taken care of. Part of that was recording a message. We went out to a overlook on 360 and started taping ourselves. We were waiting for the wind to die down when all of the sudden we saw the camera tip over from the tripod. I quickly ran to try to catch it, but it was too late, it had already fallen over. It's damaged. :( We're hoping warranty will cover the repair. But I felt so horrible. It was our first purchase Yvonne and I made together. I felt like I was in a major car accident and I was the one to cause it all. Yvonne was great in encouraging me. She even paid for a Sonic Route 44 to make me feel better. So sending in the camera and hoping it gets fixed.

And Blindspot was great! Prayers were answered, and I'm thankful for the message that was given to the body of Liquid. It was a great reminder for the church, that as the church, we sometimes put up barriers and stray from what Jesus taught us in order to make ourselves comfortable. It was Jesus who first spoke to the Samaritan woman. She needed to believe too. Thanks to Ashley, Vicky, and Gid for their hard work in putting that together. Thanks to the girls who worked tireless in the kitchen to serve the food! Rasberry chipotle over cream cheese and the meatballs were my favorite!

Then Yvonne left, and I thus begins another week apart. On to wedding #3 - Amy and Gordon!!


At 4/04/2006 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

did your camera get fixed? thanks again for all your help at the wedding! can't wait till yours and let me know if i can help with anything too!


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