Monday, January 01, 2007

wowee maui: part 1

[y] happy new year!! so g and i have been in maui since christmas eve and we will be heading back to the mainland tomorrow evening =(. we originally decided to come because i had to use up a few southwest rapid rewards before january and southwest allows you to double up your rapid rewards to fly to hawaii via ATA. but it turns out that my friend nanoh was getting married in maui at the same time we were there so double bonus! thanks to maui revealed, we knew where to get the best shaved ice, snorkeling, shopping, and sun-bathing. since we have some down time before we hit the beach again, i thought i'd give a recap...

the first few days were spent with the trinity folks who were in maui for nanoh's wedding. we drove around to become familiar with the island. we went to a luau for the rehearsal dinner (they were shaking their booties so fast that i couldn't get a clear picture).

driving around maui...look at that sky and those trees!

grass skirts...coconut bras...luau!


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