Tuesday, October 03, 2006

boo hoo part 2

[g] My car got broken into sometime last night. I'm okay, the car is fine. Just my briefcase with all my cool gadgets and some things in the glove compartment were taken. In one sense, I am sad that my things are gone. Another sense, I'm glad it wasn't a mugging or anything. And it really is just stuff. Now that I'm not traveling the country, and fixing computers left and right I really don't need those items anymore. It was just nice to have. We're hoping the homeowners policy will cover it. At first, I called, and they said it's not covered, but I spoke to another agent and he said it's covered because it's computer accessories. Here's to hoping. . . praying praying praying.

On a related note. Has anyone noticed that Houston has increased in crime? Just Sunday, I heard cars were broken into at 24 hour fitness. I just read this article as I was researching crime statistics. Does anyone remember the story about the guy putting up a billboard warning people from moving to Houston because of the crime rate. He was forced to bring it down.

In case you are very interested. You can go to the City of Houston website and see active incidents and crime statistics for your area.

More importantly now, what can we do? any ideas?
I remember reading in Tipping Point, that the New York had such a big problem of crime in the subways. What they were forced to do, was to repaint the subways every night with any graffiti before it went out in the morning. People got tired of it being repainted, that they just stopped the graffiti, which eventually stopped the crime. Odd, just two years ago, my rental car got broken into in New York and my briefcase was also stolen then.

sigh. . .


At 10/04/2006 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we lived down the street from you (off kirkwodd) and yes, the crime incidents have risen during the past months. there were meetings with district g reps on what to do...

basically, be very careful with your belongings. cars are being broken into. personally safety is my concern! i heard that the apartment complex on kirkwood/briar forest are under new management and being renovated.

as for insurance, it should be covered after you meet your deductible.

At 10/04/2006 11:24 PM, Blogger Foodinese Queen said...

Aw, so sorry Gordon! Good perspective though - you lost stuff, rather than more important things :)

At 10/13/2006 9:25 PM, Blogger kat said...

actually the news was showing an increase on the west side of houston, specifically from chinatown area to dairy ashford/westheimer area.

sorry about your car, gordon!!! and whaaa at our 24 hr. fitness?? hehe...all the more reason not to go. (you didn't hear me say that, though.) hehe. :)

At 10/15/2006 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear the bad news of the break-in; I had my car broken into during an evening softball game years ago, and my car was practically empty -- nowhere near the amount of gadgets I've seen in one of your previous cars :) The big disappointment for me was that my car doors were unlocked, and yet they still bothered to break a window. Dumb.

At 10/21/2006 5:41 AM, Blogger the crafty baker said...

yeah, the police officer himself says, he doesn't even bother locking his doors now. Just doesn't leave anything in his car. He just doesn't want to have to pay for a broken window.


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