Random thoughts
I was in a half awake/sleep mode this morning as I awoke to get ready for my 8:30am class. I am not a morning person. . . But, while I was getting ready I had some random thoughts/ideas.
Idea #1: A doggy toilet seat cover
I think if there was this product out there that allowed your dog to climb up to the toilet and do their business (#1.) Then all you had to do would is raise the seat and flush. It would work for #2, but you would have to still pick it up. Or if there was a drop lever, that would be cool too. I bet I would be able to train Trinity to do it. I know of cats have been trained to use the toilet. I think dogs can too.
The only thing that I've found online is this. Great idea in keeping the doggy paws clean, but I still have to clean up after the dog.
Idea #2:
This is for some computer programmer. Make a program out there that will translate your documents. Namely, powerpoint files into another language. Use google translate or something. Of course you would have to get someone to do the final edits, but it would take less time. This is for companies doing global presentations.
Thought #1:
Awhile back I taught a class in Genesis and there was a question asked about what happened to the Edomites. As I am learning about the book of Obadiah, I read this in a commentary.
[ In the late sixth or early fifth century b.c. the Nabateans, from northern Arabia, worshipers of gods and goddesses of fertility and the celestial bodies, drove out most of the Edomites (see comments on Obad. 7). Apparently some remained in Edom and were absorbed by the Nabatean Arabs. The Nabateans were the renowned stone-carvers of Petra. The expelled Edomites settled in Idumea, the Greek name for southern Judea. Later (ca. 120 b.c.) the Edomites there, then called Idumeans, were subdued by John Hyrcanus, a Maccabean, who forced them to be circumcised and to follow Judaism (Josephus The Antiquities of the Jews 13. 9. 1; 14. 7. 9). Herod the Great, king of Judea from 37 b.c. to 4 b.c., was an Idumean (Edomite).
The Idumeans joined the Jews in their rebellion against Rome in a.d. 70, but were almost obliterated by Titus, the Roman general. Only a few Idumean refugees escaped. The Edomites then faded from history.]
There you go. I really want to go visit Petra now.