Monday, June 12, 2006

special meanings

So we decided to do a post for all the special meanings from the wedding.

theme : Squares - Gordon and Yvonne like clean lines and symmetry

colors: Pink - Color of the first roses Gordon gave Yvonne, Green - the color of Yvonne's wall in her home, Brown - the color of her couch where I proposed to her

favors: african boxes and tealights - Yvonne went on a mission trip to Kenya and then a week in Uganda by herself. It was when I saw her passion for missions and her returning back to me I knew I was going to marry her.

invitations: CD with slideshows - Yvonne and Gordon have made countless slideshows for friends and church so it was only fitting for them to do their own slideshow and put their invitation on a CD

Some of the gifts:
USB stick - first gift I got Yvonne (yes, I know, we're geeks like that.) She actually loved it.
Leatherman - always be prepared, I carry it around with me everywhere
Yvonne's favorite things - speaks for itself, all her favorite things
Flasks - cause I drink massive amounts of water
Down blanket - because Yvonne is always cold and needs a blanket...even in the summer!


At 6/13/2006 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about brown for the color of Yvonne's couch where you proposed to her? That sounds more romantic. =)


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