Friday, July 07, 2006

Ramen in a Coffee Pot

[gw] One thing I would like to add to the honeymoon post. I learned how to make ramen in a coffee maker. So just to pass along information if you're as cheap as I am.

1 packaged of ramen (not the ones in the styrofoam)
1 hotel coffee maker
3 cups of water
2 forks (that you can get at your local Wendy's or fast food chain.)

1) Make sure your coffee maker is off.
2) Pour 3 cups of water into the coffee maker (packages of ramen usually ask for 2, but you really need 3)
3) Break the ramen in half in the packaging. You don't want to do this once you open the package.
4) Put the pieces of ramen in the coffee pot.
5) Put in your seasonings and oil, and try to pour it into the middle of the pot.
6) Turn on coffee maker.
7) Wait about 5 min as the coffee maker dispenses all of the hot water and let it sit to soften the ramen. Stir so that all the ramen is submerged in the water.
8) Wait about 5 more min or until desired softness of the ramen.
9) Serve into hotel cups.


At 7/07/2006 9:43 AM, Blogger graciechiao said...

or you could do what i did in college and just eat it raw. :)

At 7/07/2006 7:04 PM, Blogger Foodinese Queen said...

Does the ramen taste like coffee?

At 8/03/2006 5:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

At 8/09/2006 2:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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