Wednesday, April 26, 2006

deals, deals, deals

[gw] So I decided to share of my money saving tips and websites that I visit.


Since there has been so many weddings, here how I save some money. . .
1) Use my Discover card, and redeem the rebates for BBB gift cards. Then go to BBB and use a 20% coupon from snail mail and the gift cards that I receive.
2) Citibank Merchant Rewards. You have to have a citibank dividend platinum select card. Save a % from buying at the store, online, or on gift cards. Plus 5% back for groceries and gas.
3) I won't share how much I have saved in the purchases I've made online from ebates. It's a lot. You get the rebates quarterly into your paypal account. Click here to give me the referral!
EDIT: 4)I forgot one! Most important one. If you own a costco card, get one! (by May too cause they're increasing their membership fee!) Then get their American Express card. You get 3% for eating out, 2% for travelling, and 1% for everything else! That's a deal! It's worth the $45 membership fee.

Here's a coupon!! Save $25.00 when you spend $125.00 or more on Kitchen & Housewares or Bed & Bath products offered by Enter code BLOOMING

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

IE 7

[gw] Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 was launched today for downloads. My initial review. . .

It took about 8 minutes to install. . . a little bit too long
It requires a valid Windows XP SP2 version, and a reboot.
Design: They've included all the new Vista icons of course to start you getting used to the more gradient, 3D design.

Command bar: There's a new command bar, that personally I think is quite annoying. You cannot move the command center to any other level, except for the level where all the tabs are. The only useful button I think on the command center, is the RSS feed. It automatically detects if the page you are browsing is RSS-enabled. To get back to RSS feeds however, you'll need to click on the STAR to get to your favorites, and click feeds. You can't go through the classic Favorites dropdown where all your other bookmarks are stored.

View: New to IE is a feature called Quick Tab (Ctrl+Q). It allows you to view a thumbnail of all your tabs in that window. To create a new tab, you can now only requires a single mouse click in the empty tab next to the last tab you're viewing.

Search toolbar: Similar to firefox, Microsoft added a quick search option, and the abilitiy to add more search providers. I'm surprised they included google, but it's there. As well as MTV, Wikipedia, and USA Today.

Google toolbar: Still works in IE 7 and successful in preventing unwanted popups.

Overview: All in all, good job Microsoft. My only complaint is the ability to move the command center to wherever you want and make sure you duplicate all your commands in the classic toolbar dropdown.

You can download it on the main windows ie page

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

It's hot.

[gw] Everyone came into work today wearing shorts, cause it was so hot. Gotta love Austin and being casual every where you go. But I've been telling everyone this. Pray for the day of our wedding. June 10th, 2006. So everytime you think it's hot outside, say a quick prayer. Maybe we'll even get a cold front come through. :) Too bad, it's too hot to ride a bike. I was considering riding my bike to work now that gas prices are so high. Then I heard yesterday, that there was a fatal bike accident (hit and run.)

So how was everyone's Easter? Mine was great. We first had a BBQ for our lounge leaders. I love BBQs. Does anyone have pics from that? Yvonne and I actually help serve communion at Liquid. It was a great moment for me, a snapshot of us serving the church together in the future.

So part of us preparing for marriage, I wanted us to come up with a theme passage and a mission statement. Here you go, what are your thoughts?

Mission Statement

Through our service, we will show that we love Him. Through our actions, we will show that He loves others. Through our love for each other, we will show how God loves his church. It is our prayer that God will use us in this world to bring people closer to Him for His glory.

Theme Verse | 1 Peter 4:8-11

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen

Monday, April 03, 2006

long overdue post...

[yk] ok, i know it's been more than a month since i last posted a message...and i'm long overdue for a post about my birthday. so here it is!

this year, i didn't really expect much for my bday because my friends just threw me the most wonderful bridal shower a few weeks before. i didn't want or expect any presents...or any sort of celebration...just a quiet dinner at one of my favorite restaurants (Maggiano's) with my honey. but when i got to the restaurant, i saw george and jill and thought it was a coincidence that they were here too. but soon after, i found out that a small group of friends had decided to surprise me. thanks guys!! we ordered our own family style (not the traditional 2 appetizers, 2 salads, 2 meats, 2 pastas, and 2 desserts). Instead we ordered 2 appetizers and 2 pastas and that was plenty for all of us...and it was cheap too! Then we topped it off the a yummy mango mousse cake from Jungle Cafe.

the following day, my trinity girls and i went to ruggles to celebrate my eat my favorite grilled chicken wrap, white chocolate bread pudding, and tres leches...thanks girls!