worshipping the two W's
[yk] i know, it's been a while since i've posted. that is because ever since the new year started, i've found myself working 13-14 hour days under immense stress as the project that i've been on since july is coming to an end. the project isn't quite over until mid-february at the earliest, though. after i get back to my hotel room around 9 or 10pm, my brain is mush. but for some reason, i insist on staying up until midnight researching wedding stuff until i fall asleep with the laptop on top of my lap.
as a good friend put it, lately i've been worshipping the two W's...work and wedding. i've been a miserable person because i haven't been going to God with my burden's and stresses. i've allowed my unhappiness and stress to permeate into my relationship with gordon. i've resented him for not being there for me in my most difficult times (although he can't help the fact that we're in different cities) and for having such limited time to spend together on the weekends (lately we've only seen each other 1 day/week). how do you leave work at work and not let your stress and unhappiness affect your relationship? thankfully, gordon has been patient and understanding through all of this and has taken some of the wedding planning load off my shoulders.
on a different note, i started doing my taxes this weekend and am almost done. i also read the 5 love languages during the 5.5 hours it took to get my hair straightened. hopefully i'll be able to put into practice the things i learned in that book...
ok time for bed...since i have to wake up at freaking 4am for my 6:15am flight to dallas! ugh...will this never end...